InPlays Management

ANDREW BARWICKI, Founder & President
Andrew Barwicki’s knowledge of youth sports is derived from being a President of the Island Park, NY from 2009-2013, and coaching his sons in various baseball, basketball and football programs since 2006.  Andrew founded InPlays after organizing and running independent baseball and basketball tournaments throughout Long Island.
Mr. Barwicki’s professional career includes Founder and President of Barwicki Investor Relations Inc., a global investor relations firm ( Prior to Barwicki Investor Relations, Andrew was Senior Vice President of Investor Relations at Nu Horizons Electronics Corp. Andrew was with Walt Disney Company for 3+ years and Coca Cola for 9 years.
Andrew Barwicki was President of the Island Park Little League during Hurricane Sandy. All of the equipment was destroyed, some of which floated away into the ocean. Additionally, many leagues in the surrounding area lost their equipment as well. Andrew initiated a fund raiser that benefited 9 little leagues, all of which raised enough money to replace all of the damaged and lost baseball & softball equipment.
NBC NEWS report with Andrew Barwicki click here
NEWSDAY article with Andrew Barwicki click here
CBS NEWS report with Andrew Barwicki click here
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